Important notice: this page is now archived.
Our updates have become infrequent enough that the newsfeed on this page is now archived. Please carefully check the date on any post that you view.
As always throughout this pandemic, we ask that you please refer first and always to provincial and federal sources, as well to your local government or band council and your Member of Parliament and provincial or territorial representative as needed. These sources shape our decision-making and responsibilities, and will guide responses from The United Church of Canada.
Health Canada Alberta British Columbia Northwest Territories
The United Church of Canada has dedicated web pages for information related to the COVID-19 pandemic. Please keep checking for the most up-to-date resources from the General Council Office, including information about Governance, Worship, Congregational Finance, and Emergency Funding: Emergency Planning. A three-phase guidelines document for re-opening discernment and practices can be found on this page as well.
COVID-19 Vaccination Expectation for Ministry Personnel
In response to requests from Communities of Faith and Regional Councils, the Office of Vocation for The United Church of Canada, on October 14, released its expectations that Ministry Personnel will be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 to protect the vulnerable in their churches and communities. For the full story, and a downloadable FAQ document:
Interpretive Memo on COVID-19 Vaccination Status
FAQ on COVID-19 Vaccination Status
As Communities of Faith resume in-person worship and other activities, and as churches are re-opened and other programs re-launched, we are all advised to keep the safety of our most vulnerable members in mind. The Regional Council has provided two resources for Communities of Faith as they discern their next steps:
Discerning Re-Opening Together Building Re-Opening Plan Template
Please note that the Regional Council Office continues restrict access, with staff working in their individual offices, or at home. Anyone visiting the office is asked to make an appointment ahead of time.
The news feed below includes Regional Council news about the COVID-19 pandemic, and some national updates.

A question of care: an Advent message and appeal
PDF version of this letter Rev Helen Reed, Regional Council chair Many of us are now planning for Advent and looking forward to this time of preparing for celebrating the birth of God’s Hope, Peace, Joy and Love in new ways in the world. As we move into this time, it...

Message from Gord Waldie, Regional Council Executive Chairperson
February 11, 2022 Friends in Christ within the Northern Spirit Regional Council: Grace and peace to all of you as we approach the beginning of another Lenten season, and (perhaps more significantly) the 2nd anniversary of when our world changed with the first...

Resources for online and hybrid congregational annual meetings
We’re edging into that time of year again. Community of faith annual meetings are an important point of community and decision making, but pose particular challenges in a pandemic. And we’re all so tired of having to think about that. May these resources make your...

COVID-19 updates for our Regional Council, early fall 2021
Seeking Information and Guidance from the Church? As we continue to face the challenges of the current pandemic, new information continues to be produced. In order to keep up with this kaleidoscope of change and concern, we invite you to visit our Regional Council...

United Church Communities of Faith and Vaccination Policies
Click here for a PDF version of this document June 2021. Some communities of faith and church leadership have been asking whether communities of faith may set rules around COVID vaccinations for members and others who participate in church activities on site. Cynthia...

Voting at your online annual meeting
Voting by ‘ballot’ on Zoom or Email Many people are asking about voting by secret ballot at congregational annual meetings. There’s a very good resource library on this question and others on the Shining Waters Regional Council website. Executive Minister Shannon...

Advent letter in a time of pandemic
Advent blessings, friends in Christ! This is certainly an Advent and Christmas season that will stand out in our memories, as we have to continually discern how best to celebrate the Birth of Christ while also being faithful to our call to love and care for each...

Ecumenical and Interfaith Leaders’ Statement on COVID
Faith leaders from across Northern Alberta, including Northern Spirit Regional Council, offer a statement and reflection on the impact of the COVID pandemic and its impacts. Please share widely in your circles. Please download the PDF here.

Important notice: congregational annual meetings in 2021
On November 26 2020, the Sub-Executive of General Council approved the following, effective immediately. These remain in place until 30 June 2021, subject to earlier cancellation or further extension by decision of the Executive or Sub-Executive of the General...

Reminder: be careful with photo copyright!
...Here are some tips Photos are vital to our websites, social media, worship PowerPoints and much more. They add a lot to our online ministry and in-person PowerPoints. And they’re sometimes a little too easy to take and share. So please be aware, and follow good...