Since the establishment of the Regional Council Commission in 2018, policies and guidelines for the Northern Spirit Regional Council have been under development. As they are ready for publication, they will be linked to this page.

Regional Council Policies and Forms

The policies listed below have been adopted by the Regional Council to set guidelines for its work. Please note that the policies and procedures will continue to be developed as the work of the Regional Council evolves.

Finance Policy

Funding Guidelines

Conflict Resolution Trust Fund

Pastoral Relations Emergency Trust Fund

Grants for Clusters, Networks and Individuals

Property Policies and Forms

The policies that are linked to this page have been developed to clarify processes for property transactions, and to provide additional clarification of the responsibilities outlined in The Manual (2019) of The United Church of Canada.

Property Policies and Processes

Church Property Matters: A Guide for Communities of Faith Growing, Dispersing, or Recreating

Amalgamation of Congregations

Disbanding a Congregation

Steps for Selling Property (Draft)