What are Clusters and Networks? Who’s working on them, and how do the people of the United Church in Northern Spirit get involved? Interested in starting a Network or Cluster? Confused? Have ideas to share? We want to hear from you!
Contact the office at northernspirit@united-church.ca or 1(800) 268-3781, extension 6029.
Please click here for a PDF list of all known Networks and Clusters. (Updated January 2023). We’ll update this a couple of times a year, and these contacts are also included in our Regional Council directory. Don’t see your group listed? Give the office a call!
For additional information, please see this short national church resource.
So far, Northern Spirit Regional Council includes many Clusters (people in fairly close geographic proximity) and Networks (wider-ranging groups of people that share an interest in a common concern, topic, or focus.) Many Networks work across the entire church, giving their members a chance to connect across Regional boundaries. And Clusters exist to create more immediate support and connection between communities of faith, ministers, lay leaders, and more.
Our Regional budget offers support to Network and Cluster events and programs, so please don’t let financial concerns get in the way of your ministry. Information about grants can be found here. If you are ready to go ahead and access funds, please use this form.
Networks and Clusters News

Level Up! Website creation for local ministries
An opportunity for United Church Communities of Faith to affordably develop and/or upgrade their ministry websites and online presence The reality is that an effective church website is practically essential for all United Church ministries communities of faith. ...

You’re invited: Being Good Relations Network survey
The Being Good Relations Network is a United Church-based network covering all of AB, Northeast BC, and Yellowknife, working alongside Chinook Winds and Northern Spirit Regional Councils. It also includes relationships with four Indigenous communities of faith,...

Introducing: United Church Rural Ministry Network
The United Church Rural Ministry Network was established in 2020 through a grant from Embracing the Spirit. There was a strong feeling that after the meeting of General Council 43 in 2018, which had committed to support rural ministries throughout the country, there...

Jesus and the Marginalized conversation and learning
Please join the Western Intercultural Ministries Network for a discussion and a brief AGM! You're invited to help this grassroots network thrive, and find new expressions of its ministry here in Northern Spirit. Jesus and the Marginalized: Jesus Christ for Koreans in...

Video invitation to Affirming ministries: Let’s create together!
This is your invitation to a video project for Pride Month, June 2022! Rev Laura Fouhse at McClure United, Saskatoon, Treaty Six, writes, “I would love for all of the Affirming Ministries across Canada to send me a short and simple video clip! I will use these clips...

Korean Peace Appeal
The Korean War began in 1950. While open clashes ceased in 1953 with the signing of an armistice, a peace treaty has not yet been established and the war is not over. For more than 70 years, the Korean people have endured a constant state of hostility and war. The...

Advance notice: Regional Council snow and ice art competition!
As a wise person once said: “If you choose not to find joy in the snow, you will have less joy in your life, but still the same amount of snow.” So: to help us find joy in snow and ice this continuing COVID winter, and to help us strengthen community, we’re holding an...

Western Intercultural AGM plans for the future
November 2 the Western Intercultural Ministry Network held a workshop and its annual general meeting, bringing us together in community, learning, and storytelling at the end of another strange COVID year. See the workshop and AGM presentation here (PowerPoint) and...

Encountering the Intercultural Iceberg: the Clergy Collar!
Encountering the Intercultural Iceberg: the Clergy Collar! Speakers Rev Lee Spice, Rev Piotr (Peter) Strzelecki VDM, and resource people from the WIMN executive, followed by conversation and a short AGM for the Network. Join the Western Intercultural Ministry Network...

Being Good Relations Network update, September 2021
Greetings, all in the Being Good relations Network, elders, knowledge keepers, and friends: This is a longish newsletter, because a lot has been going on. You can share it widely with others by using the “view in your browser” link. We hope the information and...