Affirming LGBTQIA2S+

Becoming Affirming


The Affirming Program

The Affirming program is a process and recognition for ministries who strive to celebrate Two Spirit and LGBTQIA+ people publicly, intentionally, and explicitly. Any ministry of any kind can become Affirming, and within our Regional Council there are many such ministries- with lots of room for growth. Learn more about the Affirming Program on Affirm United/S’affirmer Ensemble. Scroll down for the latest Affirming news in Northern Spirit.

Affirming Task Group

In June 2019,  Northern Spirit Regional Council voted to begin the Affirming process. Guided by a task group, the Regional Council and its members will discern how our new structure can live into the spirit and practice of being Affirming. Members: Linda McLaren (Chair); Cathy Kinsman; Wilson MacLennan; Louise Rogers; Monica Rosborough; Julie Graham (Regional staff). Please contact the task group through to protect members’ privacy.


More Resources and Information


To find Affirming ministries in Northern Spirit Regional Council:
On the AUSE site; and on the United Church of Canada ministry locator

(check under AB/ BC/ NWT communities for both.)

Affirm United/ S’affirmer Ensemble

Affirming PIE Day (14 March annually)

Transgender Day of Remembrance (November 20th annually)

The United Church of Canada: resources

Celebrating Gender Identity Toolkit, second edition, United Church of Canada

Moving Toward Full Inclusion-Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity in the United Church of Canada (second edition)

Affirming Ministries Resource List

Affirming Ministries Printable Resources

YouTube Affirming Playlist

Affirming news

Affirming PIE Day 2023 updates and invitations

Affirming PIE Day 2023 updates and invitations

To see this post in newsletter format, click here. And click here to see a January 2023 update from the Regional Council's Affirming Task Group. Greetings across the Prairies and North this cold...

Regional Council Affirming Task Group updates

Regional Council Affirming Task Group updates

(Please also see the PIE Day 2023 update and events invitations here.) The Affirming task group for the Regional Council continues its work. Next steps will be a draft Vision Statement and Action...

PIE Day 2022 resources

PIE Day 2022 resources

Why PIE? PIE = Public. Intentional. Explicit. Those are the standards we hold ourselves to when we seek to live into being Affirming people and communities by, for, and with Two Spirit and LGBTQIA+...

Transgender Day of Remembrance

Transgender Day of Remembrance

You are invited to join Affirming Ministries for the Transgender Day of Remembrance Vigil Service on November 20th from 2:00-3:00PM. Join us in-person at Robertson-Wesley United Church or watch...

PRIDE 2021

PRIDE 2021

Join in on the Pride month celebrations! Many Pride societies are offering online or distanced events in communities large and small. Support from your community of faith makes a difference,...

Affirming Leaders Day 2021

Join from anywhere in the world for Affirming Leaders Day on May 22nd from 10:00-4:20PM. A faith-based development & connection day for allied and LGBTQ2S+ folks! Featuring Civil Rights...

You’re invited to an Affirming check in

You’re invited to an Affirming check in

Calling all ministries and people who are LGBTQIA+ and Two Spirit-affirming, or 2SLGBTQIA yourselves. We know COVID is making Affirming work harder, even as it also makes life harder for trans, non-...

United Church News

The United Church of Canada and The Presbyterian Church in Canada are partnering to bring inspiring worship, amazing speakers, engaging workshops, and experiential activities to youth, young adults,… Read More

Far too many people have been killed in the Philippines. Show your solidarity by joining an interfaith call for peace. Read More

In her National Indigenous Peoples Day message, Moderator Carmen Lansdowne reminds us that we can all take specific actions to celebrate or recognize this day and National Indigenous Peoples Month. Read More

Despite exhaustion, limited resources, and harsh working conditions, their thoughts occupied with the safety of their own loved ones, DSPR medical teams continue work in the most marginalized areas… Read More

The United Church writes to Prime Minister Trudeau: To defend and protect the sanctity of international law, Canada must implement an immediate, binding and comprehensive arms trade embargo on Israel Read More