This Network began as the “Living into Right Relations Committee” following a General Council initiative in 2008. Every former Conference (regional church body) was invited to invite 3 Indigenous and 3 non-Indigenous people to work together in living out the apologies and encourage participation in the hearings being held by the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC), which concluded in 2015. Read on for an invitation for today; and invitation to action; and to learn about our roots.
We invite you to:
Like our Facebook page
Identify a Witness in your faith community (click here to learn more about this)
Use the many videos, books, and other resources that Indigenous artists and writers have created, including resources, events, and actions shared in the newsfeed directly below;
Invite Indigenous speakers to help challenge racism and white privilege, and appreciate the gifts of Indigenous peoples.
Mark Indigenous History Month (June); Orange Shirt Day (September 30) and other important moments by committing to highlighting Indigenous justice and voices in your circles.
Our hearts are strong.
To sign up to be a Witness, join the newsletter list, and to connect with the Network, please contact the network through its staff supports:
Julie Graham, Northern Spirit,
Chris Mah Poy, Chinook Winds,
Being Good Relations news and resources

Gratitude for our Sacred Obligations day
February 27 gathering on unmarked burials: gratitude for all who participated Many thanks to the 70 plus people from across Alberta and beyond who attended Our Sacred Obligations gathering on...

Invitation: learning from the Unmarked Burials report
Our Sacred Responsibilities: learning from the Unmarked Burials report and challenging settler denial. All are welcome to this day-long learning gathering, open to Indigenous and non-Indigenous...

Invitation to action again: Alberta draft social studies curriculum
Invitation to advocacy again: Alberta draft K-6 social studies curriculum This is an invitation for Albertans in particular to advocate and witness, in keeping with commitments our church made to...

Planning for National Day of Truth and Reconciliation 2024
Honouring Orange Shirt Day/ National Day for Truth and Reconciliation, Monday September 30, 2024 “When you wear an orange shirt it’s like a little bit of justice for us Survivors in our lifetime,...

Statement on police killing of an Indigenous child
The Being Good Relations Network of the United Church in Alberta, Yellowknife, and Northeast BC expresses our heartfelt sorrow to the family and community of 15-year-old Hoss Lightning of Samson...

Details on Remit vote results
(Please also see Regional chair Rev Helen Reed's letter.) Remit 1: Establishing an Autonomous National Indigenous Organization has passed. All 16 Regional Councils, the National Indigenous Council,...

Remit Results
On April 9, we heard that Remit 1 has passed. I am so very grateful for all of the hard work that folk did to support our Pastoral Charges in engaging in this process. There was a lot of information...

More information, Remit on autonomous Indigenous organization
Our church is in the midst of an important journey that requires a vote from your pastoral charge governing body between now and early 2024. Remit 1 asks the church to give pre-emptive approval for...

Letter to Pastoral charge governing bodies: Remit Reminders & Resources
Click here to view this letter in PDF form (printable). 16 January 2024 From: Rev Helen Reed, chairperson, Northern Spirit Regional Council To: Pastoral Charge Board or Council secretaries, chairs,...

What Elder Charles Wood taught me: a memorial
By Rev. Cecile Fausak Elder Charles began his journey to the spirit world on December 17, 2023. We miss him, and will strive to carry forward his teachings. He was always saying that we have to...