On April 9, we heard that Remit 1 has passed.

I am so very grateful for all of the hard work that folk did to support our Pastoral Charges in engaging in this process. There was a lot of information to gather, to think about. While we don’t know how many said ‘yes’ and how many said ‘no’, we do know that 80% of the church engaged in this Remit work. That is amazing! Thank you for your dedication and deliberations.

Our Indigenous family opened their hearts to us and in their beautiful story telling named their wish to be an integral part of our church without losing their own identity.

Hearing the stories, listening with our hearts has brought us to a place where welcome has been extended. I am grateful for that and look forward to this journey where we will travel side by side on a river of faith, in two canoes but within arms reach of each other, a partnership of God’s beloved.

There are still questions that must be answered. There are still concerns that need to be addressed.  But as Settler and Indigenous peoples, we now step forward with a determination to be in conversation with each other, to learn from each other, to grow with each other.

With All Our Relations. In a Good Way. Let’s continue to grow God’s good work together.



Rev. Helen Reed,
Northern Spirit Executive


Further information:

Read more about the Remit results on the General Council website.

Read a statement from the National Indigenous council on the General Council website.