As a wise person once said: “If you choose not to find joy in the snow, you will have less joy in your life, but still the same amount of snow.”
So: to help us find joy in snow and ice this continuing COVID winter of 2022, and to strengthen community, we’re holding an all ages Regional Council Snow and Ice Art competition. This is your chance to dust off your creativity and your communal spirit (and your good mittens). Dream up some plans for freezing art or magnificent snow sculptures or humble castles, and gather your team.
Our theme: Love Our Neighbours.
Our timing: mid January to late February.
Who: everyone! Kids and elders especially welcome.
How it works
1) Please have a look at the overview right here. (PDF) Updates and ideas will also be added throughout; scroll down to the newsfeed to view.
2) Organize a team and start planning. Big or small: it’s all welcome.
3) Once you’re ready to go for it, register your team through this secure form. (Hot (cold?) tip: you can register even if you’re not United Church and if you’re not from one of the three sponsoring Regional Councils!)
4) Join the Facebook group here and plan along with the community. (And follow this web page for news and updates too.)
5) Plan it, build it/ craft it! Here’s a guide with some tips.
6) Light it up!
7) Take photos
8) When your masterpiece is finished, upload photos and a write up to enter the competition. Submit your entries here.
News and updates about the competition

Photo Finish! Regional Council Snow and Ice Art
It’s nearing time to bring our lovely creativity in the Snow and Ice Art competition to a close. The equinox is drawing close, even though snow and cold across the Prairies and the North haven’t...

Have a Heart Day for First Nations children
All United Church Communities of Faith are invited to take some time by February 14 to mark a different kind of Valentine’s Day. Have a Heart Day is a project of the First Nations Child and Family...

Snow and Ice Art- new registrants and hashtags
We're slowly expanding the circle! So far we have three teams registered, at St Andrew's United in Lumsden SK, McClure United in Saskatoon, and the United Church in Meadowood, Winnipeg MB. A bunch...

It’s ON! Regional Councils Snow and Ice Art Competition 2022
It’s another COVID winter and it’s all too easy to feel isolated, tired, and just blah. So, our Regional Council is joining with other Regions and holding an all ages Snow and Ice Art competition....

Advance notice: Regional Council snow and ice art competition!
As a wise person once said: “If you choose not to find joy in the snow, you will have less joy in your life, but still the same amount of snow.” So: to help us find joy in snow and ice this...