On September 9 Regional Council chairperson Gord Waldie and Executive Minister Shannon McCarthy sent a letter outlining important reminders, resources, and suggestions regarding the difficult discernment of returning to in-person worship and building use. You are urged to read the letter and share it widely in your community of faith, with both community members and those in decision-making positions.

The letter includes the important reminder that, “At the end of the day, the decision about when and how to resume various levels and types of activities within our church buildings is made by the local people. Unless some level of government prohibits some forms of activities, the decision is made by the Official Board of a Community of Faith. The Regional Council cannot make it for you. This is a great opportunity, because it means you can make a plan that is best suited to your own context. It may also be a bit of a load to bear because the decisions that need to be made may be difficult with pros and cons on either side. However, you do not need to make the decisions in a vacuum. There are resources to help you.”

Again, the full letter is available here.