The Affirming Program
The Affirming program is a process and recognition for ministries who strive to celebrate Two Spirit and LGBTQIA+ people publicly, intentionally, and explicitly. Any ministry of any kind can become Affirming, and within our Regional Council there are many such ministries- with lots of room for growth. Learn more about the Affirming Program on Affirm United/S’affirmer Ensemble. Scroll down for the latest Affirming news in Northern Spirit.
Northern Spirit is now Affirming
In June 2019, Northern Spirit Regional Council voted to begin the Affirming process. In June 2024, after being guided by a task group through the process and after a positive vote of the full Regional Council in May 2023, the Regional Council completed the Affirming process with a public celebration. Now a commitee will guide the continuing work of living into our commitments. Members: Mary Annan; Wilson MacLennan; Louise Rogers; Gary Simpson; Mickey Wilson; Rachel Young. Julie Graham (Regional staff). Please contact the task group through to protect members’ privacy.
More Resources and Information
To find Affirming ministries in Northern Spirit Regional Council:
On the AUSE site; and on the United Church of Canada ministry locator
(check under AB/ BC/ NWT communities for both.)
Affirm United/ S’affirmer Ensemble
Affirming PIE Day (14 March annually)
Transgender Day of Remembrance (November 20th annually)
The United Church of Canada: resources
Celebrating Gender Identity Toolkit, second edition, United Church of Canada
Moving Toward Full Inclusion-Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity in the United Church of Canada (second edition)
Affirming Ministries Resource List
Affirming Ministries Printable Resources
YouTube Affirming Playlist

Affirming news

Call to action: Alberta Bills 26, 27, and 29
Expressing your concerns about Alberta’s Bills 26, 27, and 29 and their impacts on transgender children, youth, and loved ones. PDF version of this resource First, here’s how to set up your letter...

Executive letter to AB government: rescind Bills 26, 27, and 29
Click here for the PDF version of this letter. 2 February 2025. Sent from:, 8510 95 Avenue NW, Edmonton AB T6C 1Y7 Dear Premier of Alberta, Danielle Smith;...

We Sing Our Faith: Intercultural music in the UCC
We Sing Our Faith: A conversation on the evolution of intercultural music in the United Church of Canada, Thursday September 19 2024, 11:30AM-1:30 PM Pacific, 12:30-2:30PM MDT/ CST, 1:30-3:30 CDT....

September 20 transphobic marches and our responses
The “hands off our kids” transphobic and homophobic marches marches we dealt with last September are making a comeback Friday September 20, 2024. Their locations can be viewed here, and if anyone in...

Affirming Celebration Video Album
On June 1, 2024, 120 people had a wonderful celebration of an ordination and a becoming-officially-Affirming at Mill Woods United Church in Edmonton. Deep thanks to all the many people who offered...

Pride month reminders: event, resources, and news
June is a busy month for Pride events of all kinds! June is also Indigenous History Month, so whenever you have the chance, make sure you learn from and about Two Spirit and Indigiqueer people, and...

Celebration of Ministries and Affirming Celebration!
Regional Council Affirming celebration and Celebration of Ministries service, Saturday June 1 at 2:00PM, Mill Woods United Church, Edmonton and online! Having completed all the requirements of...

AB’s proposed transgender legislation- new Regional action resource
Alberta’s proposed transgender legislation and new Regional Council action resource The Northern Spirit Regional Council Executive believes that taking action against Alberta’s proposed legislation...

Hate mail being sent to Affirming ministries
Transphobic and homophobic hate mail from the US is again being sent to United Church Affirming ministries. The package contains messages and a USB key, and often has a Customs declaration that it...

Response to Premier Smith: transgender children and youth
Regional letter responding to Premier Smith’s February 1, 2024 announcement regarding transgender children and youth As you do for the least of these… In a familiar story in Matthew 25:31-46, Jesus...