Feb 13 Webinar: Coffee with Franklyn James


The Foundation invites you to another instalment in our Coffee With webinar series, Coffee with Franklyn James! Join us on Thursday, February 13, at 12 PM EST for a half-hour session as we catch up with Rev. Franklyn James! Don’t miss this opportunity to learn about his impactful work and his efforts to inspire and […]


Deep Winter Song 2024 ~ Featuring Martin Kerr ~ In Person and Live Stream!

Centre for Spiritual Living 7621 101 Ave NW, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada +1 more

Featuring: ~ Martin Kerr ~ ~ Gord Oaks ~ ~ and special guests ~ Deep Winter Song is an "acoustic" musical presentation exploring and celebrating the Mystery of the Winter Solstice, Christmas, and this wondrous dark season of winter. The night will include traditional and modern songs of winter, inspiring stories & poetry, angelic voices, […]

Free – $75

Western Intercultural Ministries Network AGM and workshop


Western Intercultural Ministries Network AGM and workshop, October 21, 12:30 MST, 1:30PM Central Standard. Your presence and ideas make this Western Canada network work! Please come for a short AGM, followed by discussion and an intercultural workshop. WIMN’s Executive represents the five Western Regions, and meets monthly. This supportive and fun space welcomes additional Regional […]


We Sing Our Faith: Intercultural music in the UCC


We Sing Our Faith: A conversation on the evolution of intercultural music in the United Church of Canada, Thursday September 19 2024, 11:30AM-1:30 PM Pacific, 12:30-2:30PM MDT/ CST, 1:30-3:30 CDT. Join us for some singing, a look at our past music, and a look forward to living more fully into expressing our intercultural hopes through […]


Our Children, Our Future: online film and conversation


The Being Good Relations Network invites you to a webinar in honour of Indigenous History Month: Our Children, Our Future film and conversation with Dr. Patricia Makokis, Saddle Lake Cree Nation servant leader, and Hayley Christen, Coordinator, First Nations, Metis and Inuit Learning Services, Red Deer Public Schools. Monday, June 10, 2024, 7:00 to 9:00 […]


The United Church at 100: Centennial planning workshop


Wednesday 29 May 2024,  6:30PM MDT The United Church turns 100 in June 2025! Join our Regional archivists, Leanne Templeton and Erin Acland, and other resource people, and we’ll look at resources for creatively commemorating this anniversary in your context. We’ll talk about local, Regional, and national ideas together- both the celebrations, and the anniversary […]


Indigenous Church Remit: open learning time part 2


Indigenous Church Remit learning time, Tuesday January 30, 7:30 PM Central, 6:30PM Mountain, we will again have an open learning conversation on the remit on creating an autonomous Indigenous organization within the United Church. This time we are honoured to work with Gloria Cook, Fisher River Cree Nation and member of the National Indigenous Council; […]


Affirming PIE Day prep


The Affirming movements in our three Regional Councils are hosting open houses online to talk about our local plans for celebrating Affirming PIE Day: Public, Intentional, and Explicit support for 2SLGBTQIA+ people and allies. It’s also a great excuse to share in whatever desserts are a sign of celebration in your culture and area. PIE […]


Energy efficiency and grants for faith buildings webinar


Faithful Footprints carbon reduction for faith buildings webinar, December 15th at 1:00pm CST, noon MST. Join other Prairies and North people to learn more about strategies to reduce the carbon footprint of your faith spaces, and how to access the Faithful Footprints grant program to support energy efficiency upgrades and investment in renewables. Free! Register today […]


Regional Council learning time on the Remit


Regional Council learning time on the Remit, November 23 at 6:30 Mountain and 7:30 Central, on Zoom. Please join Northern Spirit, Living Skies, and Prairie to Pine Regional Councils online for a learning time on the Remit on an autonomous Indigenous organization within the United Church. We are grateful that elders and knowledge keepers Charlene […]
