A Service of Lessons & Carols

Robertson-Wesley United Church 10209 123 st, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

December 11 at 4:00 pm at Robertson-Wesley 10209 123 st. This gentle candlelight service is a classic tradition, with a series of scripture readings that take us through the story of God’s promise, Israel’s longing and waiting, and the fulfilment of the promise in the birth of Christ. In person and online: please click here.


Blue Christmas

Robertson-Wesley United Church 10209 123 st, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

December 18 at 7:00 pm at Robertson-Wesley 10209 123 st. Christmas is a holy time that is not always happy. It brings up so many memories that can heighten our feelings of grief or sadness, pain or loneliness. This is a service of quiet reflection, remembrance and peace. We hope that this service will bring […]


The Elements – Movement Workshop

Robertson-Wesley United Church 10209 123 st, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

April 4, 7 - 9 pm in Room 11 at Robertson-Wesley For generations, different cultures have tried to understand the universe by breaking it down into its basic elements: often this means fire, earth, air, and water. This movement workshop will explore how these elements (and others!) can help us in performance or daily life […]


Rainbow After Rain – Writing Workshop

Robertson-Wesley United Church 10209 123 st, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

April 5, 7 - 9 pm in the Club Room at Robertson-Wesley The rainbow symbol is one of hope, inclusion, love, and friendship. After the storm when the sky is still full of moisture, the rainbow shines the strongest. In this writing workshop, we’ll explore making rainbow poems: poems which give us hope when we […]


Wild Church YEG

Fire Pit at Emily Murphy Park 11904 Emily Murphy Park Rd NW, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

Join Wild Church at Emily Murphy Park at 1pm on April 16, 2023! Gathering around a fire, we will explore WATER as the second in the series, “Praying with the Elements”. Meet at the east parking lot; bring an empty mug for a hot drink after worship. Cancelled below -15°C with windchill. Contact us at […]

Laughter Medicine

Robertson-Wesley United Church 10209 123 st, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

May 3, 7 - 9 pm in the Club Room at Robertson-Wesley What kind of sense of humour do you have? Do you enjoy puns, dark humour, quirky jokes, or absurd situations? Or does physical humour make you giggle? In this writing workshop, we’ll play with techniques to write short funny monologues and dialogues. Bring […]


From Trash to Treasure Sale

Robertson-Wesley United Church 10209 123 st, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

Robertson-Wesley will be holding its first mini-rummage sale of the year on Saturday, May 6. The sale will feature kitchen items only, such as gadgets, small appliances, tea towels, cookbooks, sets of carving knives, baking sheets etc.

Wild Church YEG

Stark Oak Tree, Edmonton 12845-102 Ave NW, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

Let's get ROOTED - join Robertson-Wesley's Wild Church at 1 pm on May 21! Meeting at the Stark Oak Tree (found near the eastern wall of the old Royal Alberta Museum building on 102 Ave and 129 St), we will explore EARTH as the third in the series, “Praying with the Elements”. People and pets […]


Wild Church YEG

Emily Murphy Park, Picnic Site #3

Gather, sun lovers, at Emily Murphy Park (Picnic Site 3)! All ages - and pets - are invited to the Robertson-Wesley Wild Church potluck picnic at 12:30 on June 18, followed by a Summer Solstice Wild Church Service at 1:15. Feel free to join one or both activities. Food will be provided. We encourage you, […]