
As your Nominations Committee, we wish to extend heartfelt thanks to the following people who have concluded their terms with particular Regional Council work: Gaie Goin and Kimberly Roy, Pastoral Relations Commission.


We welcome Leslie Penny to the Regional Council Executive; Linda McLaren and Susan Silverthorne to the Pastoral Relations Commission; and Gaie Goin to the Lay Leadership Support Committee.

A Place for You

As of mid September, we still have key vacancies to be filled, including:

An Annual Meeting Convenor for the Regional Council Annual Meeting in 2022 (please note that this is tentatively filled, but the planning committee needs members, and the committee works collaboratively together;

A Chairperson-Elect for the Regional Council Executive, a Chairperson-Elect for the Annual Meeting Planning Committee, and members for the Nominations Committee.

There are also a variety of other vacancies. Please see the Nominations Report on the Regional Council web site for the full picture.

Volunteers are the lifeblood of the United Church: we rely on the wisdom and talents that committed individuals bring to their involvement in the work of the Regional Council. Nominations and self-nominations are equally valued. You can put your name forward, or suggest someone else (preferably with their knowledge, of course.)

So please consider where you might be involved, and talk to others about where they might find a place in the Northern Spirit Regional Council as it continues to develop its mission and ministry. For more information about Regional Council Roles or to complete the Expression of Interest and Nominations form, please visit our web site: