About Regional Meetings

Northern Spirit Regional Council meets at least once a year, online or as a hybrid online and in-person gathering. It conducts the business of the Regional Council, such as setting policy and priorities, or voting on relevant national matters. Worship, singing, education, discussion, honouring retirees, remembering members who have died, and above all, being together as the Body of Christ are all vital parts of the meeting. The meeting usually concludes with public worship at which new ministry personnel are admitted, recognized, commissioned, or ordained.

Voting members are ministry personnel and lay delegates from communities of faith, and other voting members as the court decides, according to The Manual and to relevant Regional policies. Visitors are most welcome, and, like delegates, must register. Below you’ll find the key final documents (“workbook”) for each meeting. In some cases, we include a video record, and documents related to special presentations or worship. If you see an error or omission please contact our office, bearing in mind that some documents or videos take longer to post.

Northern Spirit Annual Meeting 2023, Living Our Faith. May 4-7, Camrose AB. United Church logo: Deep Spirituality, Bold Discipleship, Daring Justice.

2024 Annual Meeting: Session 1

Session 1 was held on Thursday May 9 from 6:30 – 8:30 pm on Zoom. The meeting focussed on connection, growth, and health in our Regional Council, along with follow up on the recent Remit. Read the Reports booklets, below, for more details.

Click here to view the agenda for Session 1.

2024 Annual Meeting Reports

The 2024 Annual Meeting Reports will be posted in three sections: 1) Reports from the Region (including Proposals, Celebrants, Committee and Staff reports); 2) Reports from Networks & Clusters; and 3) Reports from Community, Outreach, and Educational Partners.

1. 2024 Reports from the Region (Downloadable PDF): Please note that proposals and updated information regarding Session 2 will be posted closer to the 2nd meeting date in October.

2. 2024 Reports from Networks and Clusters (Downloadable PDF)

3. 2024 Reports from Community, Outreach, and Educational Partners (Downloadable PDF)

2024 Annual Meeting

Important Northern Spirit Regional Meeting update:
The planning committee has decided to restructure our AGM meeting originally planned for May 2 and 9. We will now meet May 9 and October 24.

Session 1:  Thursday May 9 from 6:30 – 8:30 pm on Zoom. (Details above)

We will reconvene on Thursday October 24 from 6:30 – 8:30 pm on Zoom. At this time we will elect 11 General Council 45 Commissioners, and focus on other business such as proposals. Please click here for the Proposals PDF overview (best for sharing and reviewing) and click here for the Word version (best for copying and pasting into a new document so you can build your proposal with the correct information and format.)

Information on nominating Commissioners will be provided at the May 9 meeting, through the newsletter and website, and sent out again throughout the fall as a reminder. The deadline for GC45 Commissioner nominations is October 11, 2024.

2023: Living Our Faith

Northern Spirit Annual Meeting 2023, Living Our Faith. May 4-7, Camrose AB. United Church logo: Deep Spirituality, Bold Discipleship, Daring Justice.

2023: Living Our Faith

The 2023 Annual Meeting was held in Camrose, Alberta, from May 4 – 7.

The Celebration of Ministries service is still available to be viewed at this link.

Click here to access the 2023 Workbook Documents. 

Click here to view all Workbook Documents in one printable pdf.

2022: United In A Time of Change

2022: United in a time of change …

The Northern Spirit Regional Council met online on October 14 & 15, 2022. Proceedings notes from the meeting (PDF).

2021: Loving Our Neighbours and Ourselves


Over two Sessions on May 4 & 6, 2021, 165 delegates to the 3rd Annual Meeting met to worship together, and to listen, discuss and decide the work of the Northern Spirit Regional Council.

Session 1Written Summary
Session 2Written Summary

Commissioners to the 44th General Council: (* indicates Lay Members) Mary Annan    M.P.T. Basele    Daniel Chon*    Peter Chynoweth    Lloyd Henderson* Amy Kaler*    Helen Reed    Scott Reynolds   Leigh Sinclair    Gord Waldie Sarah Waldie*    Bruce West* Alternates:   Linda Marcotte    Deborah Hoekstra Biographical notes from those Elected and their Alternates

2020: Called To Be


The Second Annual Northern Spirit Regional Council Meeting was held the evenings of October 14 and 21, 2020, with approximately 170 people in attendance. Ministry Personnel, Lay Representatives from Communities of Faith, and Guests from all over the Northern Spirit region worshipped together, heard a report from the Affirming Task Group, and learned about and voted “Yes” to Remit 1: Amendment to Basis of Union Article 10.0.

Session One Written Summary
Session Two Written Summary

2019: Inaugural Meeting of the Northern Spirit Regional Council


A view of the Celebration of Ministries Service at the Inaugural meeting of the Northern Spirit Regional Council, May 26, 2019, in Valleyview, Alberta.