Commissioners for GC45

Our colleagues in Shining Waters Regional Council have prepared these videos addressing key questions – they may help folks discerning in our Region as well.
Are you interested in becoming a General Council Commissioner?
What preparation and committment are required to become a General Council commissioner?
What was the most significant work of the 43rd General Council?
Commissioner Nominations
The Right Rev. Dr. Carmen Lansdowne invites you to consider becoming a nominee for General Council Commissioner.
Process for electing commissioners to the 45th General Council Meeting
The General Council of The United Church of Canada will meet in Calgary in August 2025. Northern Spirit Regional Council needs to elect 11 commissioners to attend the meeting and serve as members of the General Council for three years, beginning in June 2025. Commissioners will also participate in educational sessions beginning in April 2025.
Please see the position description for GC45 Commissioners (PDF | 2 pages) for further details on what expectations will be required.
The deadline for application submissions to be a GC45 Commissioner is October 11, 2024.
After a process of recruitment and discernment, the NS Nominations Committee will propose a slate of commissioners that will strive to reflect the diversity of our Region (with representation from both ministry personnel and lay people; youth and/or young adult representation; and all other diversities not otherwise reflected). Alternates will also be elected.
The regional council will vote on the slate of commissioners at our regional meeting being held online on October 24, 2024.
An online meeting may present barriers for some people to serve as commissioners. Northern Spirit Regional Council will do whatever we can to assist in the removal of those barriers.
If you have any questions, please contact the office: NorthernSpirit@united-church.ca, or 1-800-268-3781, extension 6029.