On December 21 Community of Faith treasurers and administrators received information regarding the outcome from the triennial review of cost of living group assignments. The revised cost of living group assignments data is here. Northern Spirit data begins on p. 22 of the document called “Revised COL Group Assignments 2022”.
There are three important pieces of information to highlight for those receiving notice of a change in cost of living group:
- the assignment change is effective on July 1, 2023, not immediately;
- if the change involves a decrease in the comprehensive salary for ministry personnel, there is a commitment to maintain current salary (in other words, no one will receive a salary decrease);
- any questions regarding the process or the administration of the change through ADP should be directed to ministry@united-church.ca
Again, there is lots of time to look into this, so please see this notice only as a reminder, not as a call for immediate action!