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We are not alone, we live in God’s world!
These words are a gift and a challenge to us. As we celebrate that we are surrounded by the love of our Creator and that it is through our relationships and community that God’s love is manifested, we are also invited to see how we too can reveal God’s love. This Sunday, our congregation, Grace United Church in Edmonton, is using the magic of technology to provide a regional worship service. Folks from northern Alberta and the northeast tip of BC, comprising our Northern Spirit Region, share their leadership to explore how in these strange and challenging times God is calling us to be seeds of hope. May this coming together of community remind us that surely God in this place in ways we didn’t expect. Help us notice!
Blessings, Anna and Chelsea
Worship Service: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1HCiCWJzuPGZBdxPLHDQw1MU–Ju4UVNn/view?usp=sharing
Worship Bulletin: https://northernspiritrc.ca/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/Regional-Worship-Bulletin.pdf