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Our Sacred Responsibilities: learning from the Unmarked Burials report and challenging settler denial.
All people of all backgrounds welcome to this day-long learning gathering, open to Indigenous and non-Indigenous people. We will focus somewhat on the United Church’s responsibilities, but all backgrounds are welcome as a full part of the day, and we will not focus only on the United Church.
Together we will learn about the recent report on unmarked burials; explore what reparations means; learn about the problem of settler denialism; and practice together how to challenge it. Speakers and knowledge keepers will help us, and all who come are full participants in helping each other and our communities create a good path forward.
Community, prayer, ceremony, and cultural supports will be part of our day. A separate support space is also available to First Nations, Métis and Inuit, respecting that this is a hard topic.
Please click here to register. Registration is free but required, so we can plan for meals.
The full reports from the Office of the Special Interlocutor on Unmarked Burials are available here. (They’re long, which is one of the reasons we’re offering this learning space.)
Click here for a PDF poster to share with your community. You can also use the image at the top of this page.
Resource people: elder Wilson Bearhead (invited); elder Dennis Paul; knowledge keepers Rev John Snow and Rev Tony Snow; Sara Stratton, Reconciliation and Justice Animator at the General Council of the United Church.
Plan for our day: 9:30 gathering and coffee; program begins at 10:00AM; we will finish no later than 4:00PM. Our day will include (among other things): prayer and ceremony; an overview of key parts of the report on unmarked burials; reflection from a survivor; what do we and the report mean by “reparations”; what is settler denial, and how can we challenge it?
Our space: The building is fully accessible, and we will be using mics to assist those with hearing needs. We will be in a space where Christian symbols are minimal, and where smudging and medicines will be part of our day. There is parking on site, and transit a block away. Lunch and snacks included.
Travel costs for First Nations, Métis, and Inuk participants will be covered.
Organized by Indigenous Ministries and Justice of the United Church; Northern Spirit Regional Council: The United Church of Canada; and the Edmonton Cluster of the Being Good Relations Network. Thank you to Spiritual Seekers United in Community/ Southminster-Steinhauer United Church for hosting.