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Flourishing Workshops with the Moderator

May 3

All in Northern Spirit Regional Council are invited to a day with the Moderator. You’re invited to create a team from your ministry whether in person or online.  

Spend a day with the Moderator, engaging in reflection and energizing activities toward dream-oriented actions for our churches and communities. Saturday, May 3, 2025, 9:00 am to 4:30 pm (Mountain Daylight time).

In person: Southminster-Steinhauer United Church, 10740 19 Ave. NW Edmonton, AB   T6J 6W9


Click here for a poster.

Click here for a bulletin announcement.

Text: Flourishing, bold ideas daring connections

What is Flourishing?

All around the world – from universities to the United Nations, from corporations to community organizations – people are talking about flourishing. Rooted in belonging, flourishing means living with purpose and joy and bringing bold collaborative solutions to our world’s challenges.

The Moderator, the Rev. Dr. Carmen Lansdowne, wants to bring that conversation to The United Church of Canada. She invites us to connect in hope, with a deep conviction by a belief that, despite all the challenges of church life in this day and age, we can move from despair to transformation – from languishing to flourishing.

Is your church flourishing? (Perhaps that’s the wrong question.)

Is your church contributing to the flourishing of your community?

How might we truly be a flourishing church in the world? How might we live in deep spirituality, bold discipleship, and daring justice, linked from coast to coast to coast in ministry that transforms us and the world around us?




May 3
Event Category:


Southminster-Steinhauer United Church
10740-19 Ave NW
Edmonton, AB T6J 6W9
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