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First United Church, Wetaskiwin is pleased to host Creating a Culture of Respect for Gender and Sexual Diversity – 9:30 am to 12:30 pm, Nov. 7, 2023 at First UC, 5115 – 51 Ave. Wetaskiwin.
This workshop is facilitated by Mateo Jumas, M.Ed. (He/Him) from the Centre for Sexuality in Calgary. The Centre for Sexuality has been active for over 50 years, teaching training and advocating in the areas of sexuality, healthy relationships, human rights, gender identity, sexual orientations, equality and consent. Mateo Jumas brings a sense of humour, excellent communication skills and a thoughtful and knowledgeable presence to this presentation. This is an excellent resource for communities of faith looking to create and/or enhance their affirming ministry. It could also be away to connect with other allies in your communities to create more respect and safer spaces. This particular work is partially funded by a grant through RBC, which makes it accessible for not for profits or churches.
To register: email (firstunitedwetaskiwin@gmail.com) or call (780) 352 2157
Registration fee of $10 payable by Nov. 3 to confirm your spot. (E-transfer, cash or cheque payable to First United Church)
Or contact the Centre for Sexuality to see about hosting your own event.