At our October online gathering, we were invited to look at how we can work together to create a strong and connected Regional Council.

We had conversations around what we have been missing, where we have seen gaps and were encouraged to consider how we can each be part of the solutions that are needed to move forward together.

A month later, I am asking you to put some action into those considerations. As Regional Representatives you are being challenged to step up to the tasks that will make this Regional Council more able to respond to the needs of its members. If you know of someone in your Community of Faith that might have the skills and enthusiasm we need – please invite them in too!

We need help. Here are three examples:

Our Nominations Committee currently consists of one very hard-working member.  We need two more people to join in to encourage and find those with skills and knowledge of our community to add their talents to our committees.

Our Community of Faith Committee is diligently trying to support Communities struggling with new realities of fewer members, less money, harsh viability truths that need compassion and a guiding path. We have more places needing support than we have members who can provide it. Can you be part of this support?

Annual Meeting 2023 – May 4-7. We need a planning committee to help form and frame our first Face-to-Face meeting since 2019. What do you think is important? Will you be upset if your priority gets missed? Can you help with the planning?

If you think bureaucracy takes too long, (it may be that we have more requests that our current committees can handle) or the Website takes too long to update, or things are not clear enough, then join us in exploring solutions. We need people of vision, risk takers, prophets to lead us forward into the newness that beckons us forward. We also need some folk who are good with details, don’t mind making phone calls and are good with scheduling.

Email or call 780-435-3995 to join us in this work with and for each other?

Let’s find within our community the strengths that God has given us and accept this invitation to work together.


Helen Reed, Chair of the Northern Spirit Regional Council Executive.