On June 1, 2024, 120 people had a wonderful celebration of an ordination and a becoming-officially-Affirming at Mill Woods United Church in Edmonton. Deep thanks to all the many people who offered ceremony to start us in a good way, created the service, participated in leadership, reflected on their stories, offered communion, and danced us out to share in good food, conversation, and reunions together. Now the Affirming journey continues, and we heard many good challenges to the Regional Council for how to live that out.

If you missed the celebration, a full video is still available to view on our Regional YouTube channel. We have also compiled a presentation of highlights, with photos taken by Regional Council staff! Watch our video album below.

Thank you too all involved in our celebration, and to all those who attended in person and online. A huge thank you to our past Affirming Task Group members, and to our new Affirming Committee!! New members are welcome.

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