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Leadership doesn’t have to mean a business suit and a firm handshake. It doesn’t require a flashy persona and all the hippest jargon. It’s not about having the power to call all the shots.
The Centre for Christian Studies is grounded in the diaconal tradition, which means being the church in the world. It means standing with those who are marginalized. It means leadership that empowers others, and it’s grounded in a theology of justice.
At Learning on Purpose you’ll explore models of leadership and approaches to theology, education, pastoral care, and social justice that empower and create change.
Learning on Purpose: Changing Leadership for a Changing World is the Centre for Christian Studies’ 2-week intensive leadership development module. It is a practical, holistic, hands-on, learning community experience, and those who take it come out feeling transformed (in a good way!).
Learning on Purpose 2024 will be held in Ste. Anne-de-Bellevue (Montreal), QC from June 17 – 28.
It is open to Continuing Studies students who want to be better leaders as well as CCS diaconal ministry and certificate students starting their programs.