An image of pews on the left and a rural church building in a snowy field on the right, with "Property commission" in the centre.

The Northern Spirit Regional Council is blessed to have a large financial asset represented by the property of the Communities of Faith within its bounds. We understand that this asset makes it possible for the Regional Council to carry out its mission and ministry in the region and beyond.

In the Northern Spirit Regional Council, property decisions and conversations are dealt with by the Regional Council Property Commission, which works with Communities of Faith contemplating property transactions, considers requests, and makes recommendations to the Regional Council Executive with respect to the following:

  • Property transactions, including purchase, sale, lease, mortgage, major renovation, demolition and construction of property or other major assets held by the Community of Faith
  • Distribution of proceeds from the sale of property or other major assets
  • Decisions regarding residual property after Communities of Faith cease to exist
  • Decisions regarding property held by the Regional Council

Both the Community of Faith and the Regional Council have responsibilities when dealing with church property. It is important that, when a Community of Faith begins to consider renovations, disbanding, amalgamating or repurposing, it consults with the Property Commission.

In many situations, the Property Commission will ask the Community of Faith to have a consultation with the Regional Council Communities of Faith Support Committee.

Property Policies and Processes

Church Property Matters: A Guide for Communities of Faith Growing, Dispersing, or Recreating

Amalgamation of Congregations

Disbanding a Congregation

Steps for Selling Property (Draft)

2023 Property Commission Members

Executive Minister

Martha Dawson
Shannon McCarthy
Jim Belliveau
Steve Lyster
Bob Miller
Susan Waldie

Lay, Grande Prairie AB
OM, Winnipeg MB
Lay, Cold Lake AB
Lay, Edmonton AB
Lay, St. Albert AB