Nomination Form - GC45 Commissioner

"*" indicates required fields

Ministry Information of Person Being Nominated

Nominee's Name*
Nominee's Address*

Personal Information of Person Being Nominated

The nominee is:*
'Ministry personnel' is a general term that refers to members of the order of ministry, designated lay ministers, candidates serving under appointment, diaconal supply, and ordained supply
Please include the name and location of the nominee's community of faith (i.e. Hope UC - Albertaville)

Equity and Diversity Identities of Person being Nominated

This is part of the United Church’s commitment to equity and self-determination as well as to eliminating barriers and working toward the full participation of all.

What are the nominee's pronouns?

You are welcome to note if any of the following identities apply:

Gifts and Experience

Has Nominee been a General Council Commissioner before?*
If the nominee is not elected as a Commissioner, are they prepared to let their name stand as an alternate should another Commissioner need to withdraw?*
If you select yes, please reserve the following dates: June 14, 2025; June 22, 2025, August 7-12, 2025
How is this Nomination Application being submitted?
Nominator's Name*
Confirmed with Nominee?*
If you are nominating someone else, have you confirmed with THEM that you are doing this?

Nominee Presentation Submission

Tell us about yourself! Nominations must be accompanied by a written submission of up to 200 words by nominee. Please include a picture and short biography as well.

Possible topics for nominee presentation include:

• A statement about why you feel called to serve in this way

• The gifts and experiences you have that would that fit this role well

• A summary of your current & recent involvement in the United Church

Please enter your written submission here. The text box is limited to 200 words.
0 of 1000 max characters
Please upload a recent picture of yourself.
Max. file size: 64 MB.
Please enter a short biography.
0 of 800 max characters