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Thursday-Friday, April 21-22, 2022, 10 am-Noon and 1-4 pm (MDT) (both days)
The Annual General Meeting of the Women of the United Church: Chinook Winds and Northern Spirit, will be held via Zoom on Thursday and Friday April 21 and 22, 2022. The sessions on both days will be from 10:00 am to Noon and 1:00 to 4:00 pm (MDT). The theme is, Getting to Know You: All God’s People. The guest speaker who will address the topic of Process of Sponsoring a Refugee, will be Claire McMordie, Barrister and Solicitor; Counsel, West End Legal Centre; and a member of Scarboro United Church, Calgary.
Information and registration forms are being distributed by Susan Oleskiw, se.oles@telus.net.