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We will be meeting at St Paul’s United church, 11536-76 Avenue, at 12:00 PM, Lewis Cardinal will give a brief introduction and then he will lead our walk to the kihcihkaw askî (pronounced key-chee-cow-ask-ee) site. The site is just off the Whitemud Ravine near Fort Edmonton Park; the walk will be along the river valley and takes approximately one hour. We encourage anyone not walking to drive there and meet us (parking available at the site at 14141 Fox Drive NW).
BYO Lunch. People can eat during the introductory talk, during the walk, or afterwards on site.
Note that coffee & tea & some refreshments will be available on site.
Dress in walking clothes and shoes and in weather-appropriate clothes.
Rides back to St Paul’s from kihcihkaw askî can be arranged – we need to know who needs them!
Contact Shirley Perry 825 439 7960 or stbperry@shaw.ca
so she can arrange transportation back.