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Jesus and the Marginalized: Jesus Christ for Koreans in The United Church of Canada author conversation, November 29, 11:30AM Pacific, 12:30PM Mountain, 1:30PM Central. Hosted by the Western Intercultural Ministries Network, a 90-minute workshop and followed by a brief annual meeting for this grassroots network of intercultural ministry that covers Western Canada. All welcome!
Jesus and the Marginalized: Jesus Christ for Koreans in The United Church of Canada, co-authored by Rev. Dr. Ohwang Kwon, and Dr. Don Schweitzer, explores the meaning of Jesus for Koreans in the United Church of Canada, and in the Canadian context. The authors discuss the marginality that Koreans experience in Canada and also examines how Jesus enables Koreans to withstand this, and live prophetically in their liminal situation. Join us for a conversation and small group discussion with Rev. Dr. Ohwang Kwon on this new book.
Rev. Dr Ohwang Kwon, MDiv, PhD, is currently minister at the United Churches in Stettler, Erskine and Big Valley, Alberta. He has served communities of faith in Canada, the United States and in the Republic of Korea engaged in diverse kinds of ministries. Rev. Dr. Kwon has a particular interest pursuing the solidarity between evangelism and ecumenism and by relating the gospel to current social and cultural issues such as democracy and justice.
Zoom details: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86467673009
Meeting ID: 864 6767 3009