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The next CCS Friday will be an online discussion of Ray McGinnis’ recent book, Unanswered Questions about 9/11 (with a study guide for churches). Join in as Ray, guest, author, and CCS grad, shares what he learned about the families of those killed in the terrorist attack on the World Trade Centre on Sept. 11, 2001, and their attempts to get answers from their government.
CCS Fridays are Online conversations once a month to help us all to respond faithfully to emerging issues in local contexts. These workshops are open to anyone who might be interested. Each session will be on a Friday from 12:00 to 1:00 CT in the form of a Zoom workshop. There will be a presentation that will be recorded for future viewing, plus opportunities to engage with the ideas in small groups.
These sessions are free, but you must register: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZ0scOyvqzMtHdDn9rFw92whQ4Z2NqonzKg2
The last CCS Friday of the year will be on December 10 with Natalie Wiggs-Stevenson discussing her book Transgressive Devotion: Theology as Performance Art and theological methodologies