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Conversations about gender diversity and the power of language, 6:00PM in AB and SK, 7:00PM in MB and NW ON.
What is gender inclusive language and how does it have the power to embrace or exclude non-binary, Two Spirit, trans, agender, and gender queer people? Join us for a practical discussion about evolving language and personal perspectives on its importance. All welcome.
The Zoom link is here. Need to phone in? 1-855 703 8985 (Canada Toll-free) and enter meeting ID
940 3191 7505
Password: 492676
This gathering is especially recommended for Regional Council delegates who will be voting on Remit 1 this fall. In the fall of 2020, delegates to the regional annual meeting will be voting on a remit to make a small but important change to the Basis of Union. Current wording about eligibility for ministry uses “men and women”, and the wording would be changed to “all people”, to reflect a diversity of gender identities. (Further background is here.)